Can you believe I would even write, “I love dowel rods”?    It is true!  I heart them.  I do!  Dowel rods are useful, simple and make great pointers… to the spider in the porch corner.

Let me count the ways.

  1.  I use them to hang small quilt blocks.

Block Decor

Dowel Rod

  1. To hold thread and bobbins… Hoot, aka Mr. McHugs, drilled holes in a wooden cutting board for a thread holder.  Wait…you can’t?  I bet someone you know can do this for you.

Old Cutting Board

Old Bread Board Redone

  1. Separated and mismatched threads and spools?  Keep them together…like bread and butter.  All I did was hot glue a shortened dowel rod to a button.  For the middle one, I added a second dowel to the top of the button.

Thread, Buttons, and Bobbins

Thread, Buttons, and Bobbins

Thread, Buttons, and Bobbins

  1. Hang ribbon on a dowel rod between two small boards.

Dowel Ribbon hanger

Dowel Rod for Ribbons



  1. As a pointer!  For real!  And, yes, it is time to power wash the porch.




See?  I love dowel rods!  Simple, useful and the very best pointers!

Do you love dowel rods, too?  Show me!

With love from Texas,
