What is better than a new Glass Barn Door? A Quilting Barn with a glass barn door!
Yes, technically, the Barn can be used for more than quilting. If you want to work on your scrapbooks, I’m good with that. If you want to have a weekend get-away and hang out in the barn, I’m good with that. Whatever your heart desires. (ummm… legal and safe are required.) Now that we’ve added a window, a glass barn door, and lots of ceiling lights, there is ample light for all of your needs.
Another great thing about a glass Barn Door? The spectacular view.
The absolute best thing about a glass Barn Door? It keeps the cool air in during the summer. And, it keeps the cold air out in the winter. And, on those 3 perfect days a year? The door lifts right up.
Jerriann is one of the most creative people I know. I love you ideas and your how to’s. Can not wait to visit the Hidden Star with my crafting friends. Both oy
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Thanks, Tasha! I cannot wait to see you here…and bring all your friends! Whoo-hoo! p.s. Love you, cuz!