About Annie McHugs
The Picture Window Reverse Applique tool idea was born two days after the local quilt guild announced the 2019 show would feature Dresden Plate quilts. Jerriann Massey, was inspired during her early morning quiet time when the image of angels breaking through the clouds and coming to earth (John 1:51) collided with a Dresden blade in her mind. She made one and put it away until her friend, Beckey, helped her bring the tool to life.Like nothing else, the Picture Window Reverse Applique Tool comes in multiple sizes. The 30 degree Dresden comes in 10 inch size and a 5 inch size –perfect for pre-cut fabrics!
Jerriann Massey is married and between she and her husband, they have 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren. In 2010, when she was told she was to become a grandmother, her words were, “Oh, I need to learn to quilt!” She began watching videos and learning as she went. She had the bug! In early 2013, after spending her career in corporate training and development and leadership positions, she danced (as she drove) all the way home on her last day in corporate America. Far too young and to energetic to retire, her entrepreneurial spirit and her passion for all things related to quilting merged into a business called Annie McHugs.
Annie is Jerriann’s grandmother name. Her husband’s grandfather name is Hoot. Together they are Hoot & Annie! It’s a party when the grandkids are here!
In 2014, Jerriann purchased her Handi Quilter Fusion and has been quilting for the public, designing quilts, competing in quilt shows nationally, regionally and locally. She teaches and writes patterns. She was published in Modern Patchwork magazine, Mar/Apr 2017 edition.

Owner & Creator of the Picture Window Tool, Jerriann Massey